S u p p o r t t h e N E B B
We invite you to support us by becoming a Friend or Patron of the leading brass band in Nebraska, an ideal way to show your commitment to the NEBB, as well as to the wider development of brass music.
We aim to develop musical ability through intense rehearsals which develop artistic talent; involvement of young people in brass music, commission new pieces for brass bands; and carry out community-based work to engage a wider scope of audiences through brass music.

We need your help to continue our musical, artistic, educational and community work. If you want to be part of this fabulous journey, we'd love your support!
You can
donate any
amount you
wish to us
Incorporated in the State of Nebraska, The Nebraska Brass Band, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation.
Your tax-deductible contributions help us achieve our goals of bringing the music of brass bands to the great state of Nebraska and beyond.
I n d i v i d u a l S p o n s o r s h i p

Become a Friend
Become a Patron
C o r p o r a t e S p o n s o r s h i p
Nebraska Brass Band will proudly endorse the names of our sponsors and will endeavor to provide a professional association with any company. It is essential that we embrace local businesses in order to prosper within our community and your support is essential to do this.
We would like to hear from any potential corporate sponsor who can support us at any level.

2024/2025 Packages:
Bronze Sponsor - $100
Business booth at 1 of our 4 major concerts
Logo displayed on NEBB website footer
Listed on Patron's roll
Silver Sponsor - $500
Business booth at all major concerts
Logo displayed on NEBB website footer
Listed on Patron's roll / business shout-out during concert
1/3-page advertisement in all concert programs
2 x General Admission Tickets to 4 NEBB concerts
Gold Sponsor - $1,000
Business booth at all major concerts
Logo displayed on NEBB website footer
Listed on Patron's roll / business shout-out during concert
1/2-page advertisement in all concert programs
2 x VIP Tickets to 4 NEBB concerts
Platinum Sponsor - $5,000
Business booth (priority placement) at all major concerts
Logo displayed as above and on current season banners
Listed on Patron's roll / business shout-out during concert
Full-page advertisement in all concert programs
2 x Special Guest Tickets to 4 NEBB concerts
Additional marketing exposure as mutually agreed upon
Become a Sponsor
Once we receive payment for your corporate sponsorship, we will email you with requests for information on your business so we can build your corporate sponsor profile.
Should you have any questions before or after making a payment, please contact us by emailing manager@nebraskabrassband.com
We look forward to partnering with you!